County Handbook of 1917


So called on account of an ancient well or spring, surrounded by elm trees, which, centuries since, supplied the villages with water. It is one of the highest spots in the North West Division of Suffolk, is in the hundred of Blackbourn, and very pleasantly stiuated on the main line to Ipswich, from which it is distant 18 miles, 6 miles from Stowmarket, and 8½ miles from Bury St. Edmunds. It is a very rising village, having an agricultural implement manufactory, also a cricket bat factory, and the St. Edmundsbury Bacon Factory, Ltd. Population in 1911, 853.


Leatherdale, J C JP, Chairman of PCC, Overseer
Collen, D W Clerk of PCC, Churchwarden, Postmaster, EADT agent,Sec. of Oddfellows Friendly Soc. and Bowling Green
Durrant, R Overseer
Godbold, G Overseer
Harrison, M Churchwarden, Overseer
Kinsey, H C Collector of taxes
Ainley, Miss Headmistress, Church School
Brand, E Miss Asst. mistress, Church School
Wilson, J F.R.H. Headmaster, Council School
Durrant, Miss Infants’ mistress, Council School
Hassell, J Registrar of Births and Deaths
George, J R Rev B.A. Rector
Everett, Mx Carrier to Bury (Wed & Sat)
Flowers, H Stationmaster (GER)
Hanson, H Bacon Factory Manager
Collen, Miss Sec. Lawn Tennis Club