Baptisms June 1851 to May 1873

Parish Register: Baptisms from June 1851 to May 1873, in date order

Where there are two siblings baptised the same day I have marked them as twins unless a different birth date has been noted in the register; I hestitated to do this for three or four siblings, as there seem to be more of these than one might expect, and maybe they were older.

Change to alphabetical order

No.DateNameFatherMotherFather's occupationOfficiating ministerNote
1June 8th, 1851Elsey, HenryJohnLouisaLabourerE. Lawton.
2June 15th, 1851Mulley, IsaacRobertSophiaLabourerE. Lawtontwin .
3June 15th, 1851Mulley, JacobRobertSophiaLabourerE. Lawtontwin .
4June 15th, 1851Goymer, SarahJamesMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
5June 29th, 1851Reddit, GeorgeThomasElizaBlacksmithE. Lawtontwin .
6June 29th, 1851Reddit, William JohnThomasElizaBlacksmithE. Lawtontwin .
7August 17th, 1851Dawes, JaneAbrahamAnnaLabourerE. Lawton.
8August 24th, 1851Salmon, HenryDavidSarahLabourerE. Lawton.
9August 24th, 1851Clarke, SophiaCharlesMariaLabourerE. Lawtontwin .
10August 24th, 1851Clarke, CharlesCharlesMariaLabourerE. Lawtontwin .
11Sept 7th, 1851Ollaton, HerbertDavidMarthaWheelwrightE. Lawton.
12Sept 12th, 1851Morley, Ivan HaywardWalter GeorgeCarolineBlacksmithE. Lawton.
13Oct 5th, 1851Goode, Albert GeorgeCharlesSophiaLabourerE. Lawton.
14Oct 26th, 1851Armstrong, Rebecca MariaWilliamMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
15Nov 2nd, 1851Moyes, JohnJamesAmyLabourerE. Lawton.
16, 1851,...Abode: .
17Nov 23rd, 1851Sayer, Charles William(illegitimate)Rebecca...E. Lawton.
18Nov 30th, 1851Manning, Sarah ElizabethReubenWinifredLabourerE. Lawton.
19April 4th, 1852Simmons, JemimaJohnMaryannLabourerE. Lawton.
20April 11th, 1852Dewes, SusannaIsaacEmilyLabourerE. Lawton.
21April 13th, 1852King, HarrietJamesSophiaLabourerE. Lawton.
22April 18th, 1852Mulley, WilliamJamesHannahLabourerE. Lawton.
23May 5th, 1852Fairs, ElvinaJosephElizabethLabourerE. Lawton.
24May 30th, 1852Hubbard, John CharlesThomasLaviniaFarmerE. Lawton.
25June 6th, 1852Goddard, Ambrose WrethamJamesMaryannWoodmanE. Lawton.
26June 27th, 1852Corner, George QuintinEdwardJemimaOffice clerkE. Lawton.
27July 25th, 1852Fuller, WilliamJohnMaryannLabourerE. Lawton.
28July 25th, 1852Bruce, GeorgeThomasSarahLabourerE. Lawton.
29July 25th, 1852Elsey, MaryannThomasCharlotteLabourerE. Lawton.
30Aug 22nd, 1852Sayer, RosannaRichardLucyLabourerE. Lawton.
31Sept 5th, 1852Dickson, WilliamAmbroseMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
32Sept 19th, 1852Buckle, Pearl (son!)PhilipLucyLabourerE. Lawton.
33Sept 26th, 1852Rednall, Jane PeckEphraimCarolineCarpenterH Marvin?.
34Oct 24th, 1852Baker, GeorgeGeorgeElinorBroom makerE. Lawton.
35Oct 31st, 1852Salmon, ThomasJohnMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
36Dec 12th, 1852Elliston, Ada MaryJohnMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
37Jan 16th, 1853Manning, MaryAmosEmmaLabourerE. Lawton.
38March 25th, 1853Wright, William Elliston(illegitimate)Rebecca...E. Lawton.
39March 25th, 1853Elliston, Henry GeorgeThomasRebeccaBrickmakerE. Lawton.
40March 25th, 1853Wright, Jane Louisa Hawes(illegitimate)Maryann...E. Lawton.
41April 3rd, 1853Scase, WilliamWilliamAnnLabourerE. Lawton.
42April 24th, 1853Hooker, Frederick GarlingGeorgeEmmaRailway labourerE. Lawton.
43May 15th, 1853Fuller, SarahJohnMaryannLabourerE. Lawton.
44June 5th, 1853Fisher, Agnes LouisaFredericCharlotteBrickmakerE. Lawton.
45June 5th, 1853Pegg, IsaacWilliamElizaLabourerE. Lawton.
46June 5th, 1853Barrell, SophiaJamesMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
47June 10th, 1853Goymer, ElizabethJamesMaryannLabourerE. Lawton.
48June 18th, 1853Balaam, JohnRobertMaryanneLabourerE. Lawton.
49June 19th, 1853Mulley, RuthJohnHannahLabourerE. Lawton.
50July 5th, 1853Ruddock, Frederick(illegitimate)Harriet...E. Lawton.
51Aug 7th, 1853Culham, Emily CharitySamuelMariaLabourerE. Lawton.
52Sept 4th, 1853Salmon, ArthurDavidSarahLabourerE. Lawton.
53Sept 4th, 1853Mulley, MarthaJamesHannahLabourerE. Lawton.
54Sept 12th, 1853Sayer, MaryannWilliamSusanneLabourerE. Lawton.
55Sept 18th, 1853King, DennisJamesJemimaSawyerE. Lawton"Alias Upcroft", 3 bapt same day .
56Sept 18th, 1853King, HenryJamesJemimaSawyerE. Lawton"Alias Upcroft", 3 bapt same day .
57Sept 18th, 1853King, BenjaminJamesJemimaSawyerE. Lawton"Alias Upcroft", 3 bapt same day .
58Sept 18th, 1853Goddard alias Wretham, AmbroseJamesMaryLabourerE. Lawton.
59Nov 6th, 1853Sayer, Rosa ElizabethRichardLucyBricklayerH J Marriott.
60Nov 6th, 1853Addams, Hannah(illegit.?)Harriet...H J Marriott.
61Feb 19th, 1854Lafflin, CharlotteJohnElizaLabourerMr Dennis.
62March 26th, 1854Morley, EdwardWilliamElizaBlacksmithJ J Lawton.
63April 14th, 1854Wright, Rosa EmmaGeorge ReubenEmma LouisaBrickmakerMr Dennis.
64June 4th, 1854Dewes, HenryIsaacEmilyLabourerH J Marriott.
65June 4th, 1854Goold, Charles Scace(illegitimate)Pamela Emily...H J Marriott.
66June 18th, 1854Rice, EmmaIsaacFannyCoachmanH J Marriott.
67July 23rd, 1854Farrow, MariaWilliamElizaLabourerH J Marriott.
68July 23rd, 1854Simmons, AlfredJohnMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
69Sept 10th, 1854Barrell, Walter JohnJamesMaryGardenerH J Marriott.
70Sept 24th, 1854Howes, MaryannRobertJemimaLabourerH J Marriott.
71Sept 24th, 1854Balaam, JohnRobertMaryannLabourerH J Marriott.
72Oct 1st, 1854Manning, John BakerAmosEmmaLabourerH J Marriott.
73Oct 29th, 1854Goddard, Emma AliceJamesHarrietLabourerH J Marriott.
74Nov 1st, 1854Salmon, RobertJohnMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
75Nov 12th, 1854Baker, George DennisGeorge RandallEleanorBroom makerH J Marriott.
76Dec 3rd, 1854Manning, Reuben JamesReubenWinifredLabourerH J Marriott.
77Feb 14th, 1855Sayer, ElizaRichardLucyBricklayerJ J Lawton.
78Mar 4th, 1855Buckle, MaryannPhilipLucyLabourerH J Marriott.
79Mar 25th, 1855Mulley, Mary BridgesGeorgeElizabethBakerH J Marriott.
80Mar 25th, 1855Hooker, Maria GarlingGeorgeEmmaPlatelayerH J Marriott.
81Mar 25th, 1855Mulley, Isabel? AnnRobertSophiaLabourerH J Marriott.
82Mar 25th, 1855Mulley, JamesJamesHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
83May 27th, 1855Sayer, MaryannWilliamSusannaBricklayerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
84May 27th, 1855Sayer, RobertWilliamSusannaLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
85May 27th, 1855Sayer, Henry CharlesWilliamSusannaLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
86May 27th, 1855Sayer, WilliamWilliamSusannaLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
87July 1st, 1855Mulley, Henry CharlesWilliamMaryannShoemakerH J Marriott.
88July 7th, 1855Mulley, James CharlesGeorgeAnna??H J Marriott.
89July 15th, 1855Boldero, Edward EdwinGeorgeSophiaFarmerH J MarriottBorn June 9th 1847 at Ashfield Magna .
90July 15th, 1855Boldero, William Henry JamesGeorgeSophiaLabourerH J MarriottBorn July 12th 1848 at Ashfield Magna .
91July 15th, 1855Boldero, Kate LouisaGeorgeSophiaLabourerH J MarriottBorn June 29th 1850 at Ashfield Magna .
92July 15th, 1855Boldero, Elizabeth Ransom?GeorgeSophiaLabourerH J MarriottBorn July 2nd 1852 .
93June 24th, 1855Wright, ReubenReubenEmmaBrickmakerH J Marriott.
94July 29th, 1855Bruce, MarthaThomasSarahLabourerH J Marriott.
95Aug 5th, 1855Fisher, Anna JuliaFrederickCharlotteBrickmakerH J Marriott.
96Sept 2nd, 1855Farrow, EmilyJohnElizaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
97Sept 2nd, 1855Farrow, FrederickJohnElizaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
98Sept 16th, 1855Vine, Thomas DavidJosephElizabethRailway porterH J Marriott.
99Oct 28th, 1855Manning, MaryannCharlesElizaLabourerH J Marriott.
100Oct 28th, 1855Faiers, JamesJosephLouisaLabourerH J Marriott3 bapt same day .
101Oct 28th, 1855Faiers, WilliamJosephLouisaLabourerH J Marriott3 bapt same day .
102Oct 28th, 1855Faiers, ElizabethJosephLouisaLabourerH J Marriott3 bapt same day .
103Nov 25th, 1855Morley, David IsaacWalter GeorgeCarolineBlacksmithH J Marriott.
104Jan 13th, 1856Scace, JohnWilliamAnnLabourerH J Marriott.
105Jan 20th, 1856Wright, Hannah MatildaWilliamHannahShoemakerH J Marriott.
106Feb 19th, 1856Armstrong, Henry JamesWilliamMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
107May 4th, 1856Faiers, Sarah ElizabethJosephElizabethLabourerH J Marriott.
108May 11th, 1856Manning, EmmaWilliamMaryannWheelwrightH J Marriott.
109June 22nd, 1856Scace, FredericCharlesPamelaLabourerH J Marriott.
110June 22nd, 1856Mulley, HannahJohnHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
111June 22nd, 1856Dews, GeorgeIsaacEmilyLabourerH J Marriott.
112Sept 14th, 1856Dickson, WalterAmbroseMaryLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
113Sept 14th, 1856Dickson, EllenAmbroseMaryLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
114Sept 14th, 1856Wright, Elizabeth EllenCharlesElizaMaltsterH J Marriott.
115Sept 14th, 1856Hearnshaw, AnnaJacobElizaRailway InspectorH J Marriott.
116Sept 21st, 1856Barrell, HannahJamesMaryGardenerH J Marriott.
117Oct 5th, 1856Fenton, EmmaZachariahSarahGardenerH J Marriott.
118Oct 5th, 1856Armstrong, Chinery Goymer(illegit.?)Patience...H J Marriott.
119Oct 5th, 1856Sayer, Sarah EmmaRichardLucyBricklayerH J Marriott.
120Nov 2nd, 1856Lambert, Oliver HenryJoshuaElizaGatekeeper RailwayH J Marriott.
121Nov 16th, 1856Baker, CharlesGeorgeEleanorBroom makerH J Marriott.
122Dec 28th, 1856Morley, Agatha ElizabethWalter GeorgeCarolineBlacksmithH J Marriott.
123Feb 15th, 1857Pegg, JohnIsaacElizaGardenerH J Marriott.
124Mar 5th, 1857Fuller, Spencer(widow)Maryann...H J Marriott.
125April 12th, 1857Mulley, Laura ElizabethWilliamMaryannShoemakerH J Marriott.
126April 12th, 1857Manning, Susanna(illegitimate)Sophia...H J Marriott.
127April 12th, 1857Goymer, ElizabethJamesMaryannLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
128April 12th, 1857Goymer, MaryannJamesMaryannLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
129April 12th, 1857Mulley, JohnJamesHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
130May 24th, 1857Pegg, SusannaWilliamElizaLabourerH J Marriott.
131May 31st, 1857Wright, LouisaGeorge ReubenEmma LouisaBrickmakerH J Marriott.
132Aug 16th, 1857Goddard, William Sargent?JamesMaryannLabourerH J Marriott.
133Aug 16th, 1857King, JamesJamesSophiaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
134Aug 16th, 1857King, RobertJamesSophiaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
135Sept 6th, 1857Goymer, James WilliamChineryPatienceGardenerH J Marriott.
136Sept 6th, 1857Dews, JamesIsaacEmilyLabourerH J Marriott.
137Sept 10th, 1857Pipe, William Charles(illegit.?)Matilda...H J MarriottAbode: ....
138Sept 13th, 1857Balaam, SusannahRobertMaryannLabourerH J Marriott.
139Sept 20th, 1857Moyse, RobertJamesMariaLabourerH J Marriott.
140Oct 11th, 1857Rice, Mary JaneIsaacFannyCoachmanH J Marriott.
141Dec 13th, 1857Goddard, CharlotteJamesHarrietLabourerH J Marriott.
142Dec 25th, 1857Rednall, PriscillaEphraimCarolineCarpenterH J Marriott.
143Jan 17th, 1858Manning, AmosAmosAnnaLabourerH J Marriott.
144April 18th, 1858Sayer, Sarah JaneRichardLucyBricklayerH J Marriott.
145May 30th, 1858Armstrong, ElizabethThomasSusanLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
146May 30th, 1858Armstrong, AnnaThomasSusanLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
147May 30th, 1858Armstrong, LouisaThomasSusanLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
148May 30th, 1858Armstrong, Sarah JaneThomasSusanLabourerH J Marriott4 bapt same day .
149June 13th, 1858Adams, EstherRobertSarahLabourerH J Marriott3 bapt same day .
150June 13th, 1858Adams, MaryRobertSarahLabourerH J Marriott3 bapt same day .
151June 13th, 1858Adams, GeorgeRobertSarahLabourerH J Marriott3 bapt same day .
152July 16th, 1858Fisher, FlorenceFredericCharlotteBrickmakerH J Marriott.
153Aug 3rd, 1858Wright, William HenryGeorge ReubenEmma LouisaBrickmakerH J Marriott.
154Aug 29th, 1858Goymer, EllenJamesMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
155Oct 3rd, 1858Baker, IsabellaGeorgeEllenBroom makerH J Marriott.
156Oct 10th, 1858Salmon, DorotheaJohnMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
157Oct 17th, 1858Salmon, EmmaWilliamCharlotteLabourerH J Marriott.
158Nov 21st, 1858Hooker, Alice GirlingGeorgeCharlotteRailway platelayerH J Marriott.
159Nov 28th, 1858Fenton, Zachariah EdwardZachariahSarahGardenerH J Marriott.
160Jan 2nd, 1859Walton, EmilyNathanHannahFarmerH J Marriott.
161Mar 4th, 1859Dews, J?JamesAnnLabourerH J Marriott.
162Mar 4th, 1859Farrow, SophiaJohnElizaLabourerH J Marriott.
163Mar 18th, 1859Bruce, MaryannThomasSarahLabourerH J Marriott.
164May xth, 1859Sayer, WilliamWillamSusannahBricklayerH J Marriott.
165June 19th, 1859Mulley, Henry WilliamJamesHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
166July 5th, 1859Goddard, CharlotteJamesHarrietLabourerH J Marriott.
167July 5th, 1859Mulley?, Robert WilliamWilliamMaryannShoemakerH J Marriott.
168July 22nd, 1859Dews, Sarah ElizabethIsaacEmilyLabourerH J Marriott.
169July 31st, 1859Faiers, Sarah Eliza(illegitimate)Elizabeth...H J Marriott.
170Aug 7th, 1859Wright, LouisaGeorge ReubenEmma LouisaBrickmakerH J Marriott.
171Aug 20th, 1859Rice, LauraIsaacFannyCoachmanH J Marriott.
172Aug 21st, 1859Bull, Osborn? WilliamWilliam HenryAnna MariaTailorH J MarriottAbode: Stoke.
173Aug 21st, 1859Osbourne, Freeman DavidDavidSarahFarmerH J MarriottAbode: Wetherden.
174Aug 27th, 1859Sayer, MaryannRichardLucyBricklayerH J Marriott.
175Sept 9th, 1859Bennington, AgnesJohnMaryannShopkeeperH J Marriott.
176Sept 11th, 1859Browne, William CarollWilliam CarollElizaStationmasterH J Marriott.
177Nov 20th, 1859Pegg, AnneWilliamElizaLabourerH J Marriott.
178Nov 27th, 1859Fuller, Robert Farrow(illegit.?)Mary...H J Marriott.
179Dec 11th, 1859Armstrong, GeorgeThomasSusanLabourerH J Marriott.
180Mar 4th, 1860Buckle, GeorgePhilipLucyLabourerH J Marriottborn Dec 7th 1857 .
181Mar 4th, 1860Buckle, WilliamPhilipLucyLabourerH J Marriott.
182April 8th, 1860Elliston, Rosa EmmaThomasRebeccaLabourerH J Marriottborn Feb 18th 1855 .
183April 8th, 1860Elliston, Fredrick ThomasThomasRebeccaLabourerH J Marriottborn March 14th 1859 .
184May 27th, 1860Balaam, JamesRobertMaryannLabourerH J Marriott.
185May 27th, 1860Moyse, WilliamDennisJaneLabourerH J Marriott.
186May 27th, 1860Barrell?, JohnWilliamMaryannLabourerH J Marriott.
187July 29th, 1860Baker, Emily Salmon(illegit.?)Sophia...H J Marriott.
188Sept 23rd, 1860Manning, JohnWilliamSophiaLabourerH J Marriottborn May 11th 1842 .
189Sept 23rd, 1860Manning, Sarah ElizabethCharlesElizaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
190Sept 23rd, 1860Manning, Martha LouisaCharlesElizaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
191Oct 21st, 1860Armstrong, Elizabeth(illegit.?)Ann...H J Marriott.
192Mar 17th, 1861Mulley, BenjaminJamesHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
193Mar 24th, 1861Farrow, RosettaGeorgeMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
194Mar 24th, 1861Moyse, ElinorWilliamRachelLabourerH J Marriott.
195Mar 29th, 1861Wright, Sarah Nancy[illegit.]MaryAnn...H J MarriottBorn 1855, 11 April .
196Mar 29th, 1861Hewes, MaryAnn ElizabethWilliamMaryAnnButcherH J MarriottBorn 1859, 17 August .
197Mar 29th, 1861Hewes, Rosa SophiaWilliamMaryAnnButcherH J MarriottBorn 1861, 19 January .
198April 7th, 1861Walton, Thomas R?GeorgeElizabethLabourerH J Marriott.
199April 7th, 1861Mulley, Sarah EllenWilliamMaryAnnShoemakerH J Marriott.
200May ?th, 1861Burgess, George[illegit.]Sarah...H J Marriottfrom Toby ?? .
201May 19th, 1861Barrell, Henry WilliamJamesMaryGardenerH J Marriott.
202June 9th, 1861Wright, William HenryGeorgeEmmaBrickmakerH J Marriott.
203July 14th, 1861Fenton, HenryWilliamHarriettFarm BailiffH J MarriottBorn 1857, 25 November .
204July 14th, 1861Fenton, Samuel JohnWilliamHarriettFarm BailiffH J Marriott.
205July 14th, 1861Sayer, WilliamRichardLucyBricklayerH J Marriott.
206July 14th, 1861Goddard, George SamuelJamesMaryAnnLabourerH J Marriott.
207July 28th, 1861Halls, Henry JamesJamesSusan...H J Marriott.
208Sep 29th, 1861Fisher, William Frederick PilbrowFrederickCharlotteBrickmakerH J Marriott.
209Oct 6th, 1861Morley, Alice MaryWalterCarolineBlacksmithH J Marriott.
210Oct 13th, 1861Moyes, MaryJamesMariaLabourerH J MarriottBorn 1858, 1 November .
211Oct 13th, 1861Moyes, EmilyJamesMariaLabourerH J Marriott.
212Mar 2nd, 1862Goymer, HarriettNathanielHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
213Mar 16th, 1862Salmon, Sarah AnnWilliamCharlotteLabourerH J Marriott.
214May 4th, 1862Sparrow, GeorgeWilliamHarriettLabourerH J MarriottBorn 1841, 16 September .
215May 18th, 1862Bruce, ElizaThomasSarahLabourerH J Marriott.
216June 8th, 1862Rednall, Alice REphraimCarolineCarpenterH J Marriott.
217July 20th, 1862Dixon, John ThomasAmbroseMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
218Aug 31st, 1862Salmon, WilliamDavidSarahLabourerH J MarriottBorn 1855 .
219Aug 31st, 1862Salmon, JamesDavidSarahLabourerH J MarriottBorn 1857 .
220Aug 31st, 1862Salmon, GeorgeDavidSarahLabourerH J MarriottBorn 1859 .
221Sep 7th, 1862Burgess, Ellen Baker[illegit.]Sarah...H J Marriott.
222Sep 28th, 1862Mulley, Walter HenryJohnEllenLabourerH J Marriott.
223Nov 2nd, 1862Balaam, Charles WalterRobertMaryAnnLabourerH J Marriott.
224Nov 30th, 1862Pegg, WinifredJamesCharlotteLabourerH J Marriott.
225Dec 21st, 1862Wright, John AlbertJohnFrancesFarmerH J Marriotttwin .
226Dec 21st, 1862Wright, EdwardJohnFrancesFarmerH J Marriotttwin .
227Feb 8th, 1863Pegg, Eliza MaryWilliamElizaLabourerH J Marriott.
228Feb 8th, 1863Mulley, ElizaJamesHannahLabourerH J Marriott.
229Feb 22nd, 1863Everet, Rhoda CGeorgeElizaBlacksmithH J Marriott.
230Mar 8th, 1863Moyes, Alfred WilliamWilliamRachelLabourerH J Marriott.
231April 22nd, 1863Dew, Emma[illegit.]MaryAnn...H J Marriott.
232April 24th, 1863Salmon, Henry James[illegit.]unknownLabourerH J Marriott.
233April 26th, 1863Wright, Kezia MaudThomasSarahFarmerH J Marriott.
234May 17th, 1863Armstrong, ElizaWilliamEliza SarahLabourerH J Marriott.
235May 31st, 1863Farrow, MarthaWilliamMariaLabourerH J Marriott.
236June 7th, 1863Farrow, GeorgeGeorgeMaryLabourerH J Marriott.
237July 12th, 1863Barrell, Thomas GeorgeJamesMaryFarmerH J Marriott.
238July 26th, 1863Sparrow, WilliamWalterAnnLabourerH J Marriott.
239Aug 9th, 1863Goddard, Sarah[illegit.]Jane...H J Marriott.
240Aug 9th, 1863Scace, WilliamRobertPamelaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
241Aug 9th, 1863Scace, SarahRobertPamelaLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
242Aug 9th, 1863Cuthbert, Henry[illegit.]Charlotte...H J Marriott.
243Aug 9th, 1863Dew, AbrahamIsaacEmilyLabourerH J Marriott.
244Aug 9th, 1863Mayfield, William[illegit.]Elizabeth...H J Marriott.
245Aug 9th, 1863Clarke, MyersDavid SeagerElizabethLabourerH J Marriott.
246Aug 16th, 1863Clarke, CharlesDavid SeagerElizabethLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
247Aug 16th, 1863Clarke, EmmaDavid SeagerElizabethLabourerH J Marriotttwin .
248Sep 13th, 1863Moyes, MaryAnnDennisJaneLabourerW H C Luketwin .
249Sep 13th, 1863Moyes, ElizabethJamesMariaLabourerW H C Luketwin .
250Sep 13th, 1863Manning, SophiaCharlesElizaLabourerW H C Luke.
251Nov 15th, 1863Armstrong, Henry George[illegit.]Sarah Jane...W H C Luke.
252Nov 15th, 1863Stevens, Horace William[illegit.]Sarah...W H C Luke.
253Dec 13th, 1863Clarke, ElizabethCharlesMariaLabourerW H C Luke.
254Dec 13th, 1863Salmon, Henry JamesWilliamCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
255Dec 13th, 1863Frost, Henry AugustusCharlesSusannah WilhamBuilderW H C Luke.
256Jan 10th, 1864Mulley, Mary JaneJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
257Jan 10th, 1864Mulley, ElizaJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
258Jan 10th, 1864Mulley, GeorgeJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
259Jan 10th, 1864Trom?, Alice LilyRobertEsther?Railway porterW H C Luke.
260Jan 10th, 1864Mulley, Alfred JohnWilliamMaryAnnShoemakerW H C Luke.
261Jan 10th, 1864Fenton, William ArthurWilliamHarriettFarm StewardW H C Luke.
262Jan 10th, 1864Salmon, ThomasHenrySophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
263Jan 10th, 1864Buckle, EmmaPhilipLucyLabourerW H C Luke.
264Jan 10th, 1864Hart, EmmaJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luketwin .
265Jan 10th, 1864Hart, ElizaJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luketwin .
266Feb 14th, 1864Lord, Elizabeth HannahAlfredElizaRailway porterW H C LukeAbode: Norfolk.
267Feb 14th, 1864Baker, ElizabethJacobSarahBroom-makerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
268Feb 14th, 1864Baker, CharlotteJacobSarahBroom-makerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
269Feb 14th, 1864Baker, Henry GeorgeJacobSarahBroom-makerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
270Feb 14th, 1864Scace, JamesRobertPamelaLabourerW H C Luke.
271Feb 14th, 1864Lambert, Albert EdwardJoshua?ElizaGatekeeper railwayW H C Luke.
272Mar 13th, 1864Rice, RosaIsaacFannyCoachmanW H C Luke.
273Mar 13th, 1864Ramsbottom, ArthurJohnSophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
274April 10th, 1864Frost, EllenJohnFannyBuilderW H C Luke.
275April 10th, 1864Browne, George CarrollWilliam CarrollElizaStation masterW H C Luke.
276April 10th, 1864Sayer, MaryRichardLucyMasonW H C Luke.
277April 10th, 1864Manning, WalterJohnMaryAnnShoemakerW H C Luke.
278April 10th, 1864Hunneybell, EbeneezerElijahJemimaCoal agentW H C Lukeadult .
279May 8th, 1864Rednall, Julia AveryEphraimCarolineCarpenterW H C Luke.
280May 8th, 1864King, EllenDennisEveLabourerW H C Luke.
281Aug 10th, 1864Salmon, Amelia?JohnSophiaGardenerW H C Luke.
282Aug 14th, 1864Bruce, Elizabeth Mary[illegit.]Mary...W H C Luke.
283Aug 14th, 1864Mulley, FreemanWilliamMaryAnnLabourerW H C Luketwin .
284Aug 14th, 1864Mulley, GeorgeWilliamMaryAnnLabourerW H C Luketwin .
285Sep 11th, 1864Mulley, Gertrude AlbertaWilliamGertrudeBakerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
286Sep 11th, 1864Mulley, Annie LouisaWilliamGertrudeBakerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
287Sep 11th, 1864Mulley, Frederick WilliamWilliamGertrudeBakerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
288Sep 18th, 1864Sayer, SusannahRichardLucyMasonW H C Luke.
289Sep 18th, 1864Elliston, Herbert ErnestThomasRebeccaLabourerW H C Luke.
290Sep 18th, 1864Wright, Herbert WilliamGeorgeEmmaBrickmakerW H C Luketwin .
291Sep 18th, 1864Wright, Victoria SarahGeorgeSarahBrickmakerW H C Luketwin .
292Sep 18th, 1864Johnson, Florence?JamesTamar?? DraperW H C LukeAbode: London.
293Sep 18th, 1864Edwards, Caroline ElizabethArthurMarthaMerchant's clerkW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
294Sep 18th, 1864Edwards, Georgina ElizaArthurMarthaMerchant's clerkW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
295Sep 18th, 1864Edwards, Harry ErnestArthurMarthaMerchant's clerkW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
296Sep 18th, 1864Borley, AlfredJohnSarahLabourerW H C Luke.
297Dec 2nd, 1864Sparrow, DavidWilliamHarrietFarmerW H C Luke.
298Jan 15th, 1865King, John HenryReubenHarrietLabourerW H C Luke.
299Feb 12th, 1865Cross, James[illegit.]Eliza Anne...W H C Luke.
300Feb 12th, 1865Farrow, ElizaWilliamEliza AnneLabourerW H C Luke.
301Feb 12th, 1865Pegg, SusannahJamesCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
302Feb 12th, 1865Baker, Robert JamesRobertElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
303Feb 12th, 1865Mulley, SarahGeorgeSarah JaneLabourerW H C Luke.
304Feb 12th, 1865Fairs, Henry JamesWilliamEmmaLabourerW H C Luke.
305June 4th, 1865Mulley, JohnJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
306June 4th, 1865Buckle, DennisPhilipLucyLabourerW H C Luke.
307June 25th, 1865Mulley, Sarah JaneJamesHannahLabourerW H C Luke.
308Aug 9th, 1865Broker?, Charles JohnHenry WilliamElizabeth HannahPrinterW H C Luke.
309Aug 27th, 1865Lucker, John WilliamJohnHannahFarmerW H C Luke.
310Sep 10th, 1865Farrow, SarahGeorgeMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
311Sep 10th, 1865Mulley, ElizaJames JohnEllenLabourerW H C Luke.
312Sep 10th, 1865Pilborough, Sarah JaneAbrahamElizabethFarmerW H C Luke.
313Sep 22nd, 1865Browne, Charles CarrollWilliam CarrollElizaStation masterW H C Luke.
314Oct 13th, 1865Clarke, MaryAnnDavidHarrietShoemakerW H C Lukeadult .
315Oct 13th, 1865Willingham, MaryAnn[illegit.]Hannah King...W H C Luke.
316Oct 13th, 1865King, William GeorgeRobertHannahLabourerW H C Luke.
317Nov 5th, 1865King, EstherDennisEveLabourerW H C LukeBorn 1862, 16 July .
318Mar 26th, 1866Ramsbottom, Sarah ElizabethJohnSophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
319April 8th, 1866Salmon, John RobertWilliamCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
320April 8th, 1866Huffey, Elizabeth SarahGeorgeAnnLabourerW H C Luke.
321April 8th, 1866Sayer, WilliamRichardLucyMasonW H C Luke.
322April 8th, 1866Smith, William[illegit.]Emma...W H C Luke.
323May 11th, 1866King, William DennisGeorgeMaryAnnLabourerW H C Luke.
324May 11th, 1866Clarke, HarryDavid SeagerElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
325May 13th, 1866Clarke, JamesCharlesMariaLabourerW H C Luke.
326May 18th, 1866Sparrow, CharlesWilliamHarrietFarmerW H C Lukeadult .
327July 8th, 1866Mulley, RosaWilliamMaryAnnCarrierW H C Luke.
328July 13th, 1866Scace, JohnRobertPamelaLabourerW H C Luke.
329Sep 1st, 1866Johnson, Charles EdwardJamesTamar?? DraperW H C LukeAbode: Pimlico, London.
330Sep 2nd, 1866Wright, Fanny AmeliaEnochMaryAnnFarmerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
331Sep 2nd, 1866Wright, Frederick GeorgeEnochMaryAnnFarmerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
332Sep 2nd, 1866Wright, Herbert WilliamEnochMaryAnnFarmerW H C Luke3 bapt same day .
333Oct 28th, 1866Farrow, EllenWilliamEliza AnnLabourerW H C Luke.
334Jan 3rd, 1867Davey, ThomasThomasEmmaCattle DealerW H C Luke.
335Jan 27th, 1867Pegg, Winifred AnnJamesCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
336April 20th, 1867Salmon, SarahDavidSarahLabourerW H C Luke.
337April 20th, 1867Buckle, EstherRobertMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
338April 20th, 1867Armstrong, MaryAnnWilliamElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
339May 26th, 1867Goymer, EllenWilliamSarahBrickmakerW H C Luke.
340May 26th, 1867Ramsbottom, WalterJohnSophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
341May 26th, 1867King, SusannahRobertHannahLabourerW H C Luke.
342June 7th, 1867King, Henry JamesReubenHarrietLabourerW H C Luke.
343June 9th, 1867Mulley, WilliamJohnMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
344July 12th, 1867Ralph, HarryJohnLydiaLabourerW H C LukeAbode: Great Waldingfield.
345July 14th, 1867Howe, Alfred ThomasThomasSarah ElizabethCommercial TravellerW H C LukeAbode: St Pancras, London.
346July 28th, 1867Lucker, Mary AnnaJohnHannahFarmerW H C Luke.
347Aug 11th, 1867Balaam, Edward John ClarkeJamesElizaFarmerW H C LukeAbode: Tostock.
348Aug 11th, 1867Plummer, George Frederick WilliamFrederick GeorgeElizabethGardenerW H C Luke.
349Aug 18th, 1867Huffey, Ellen ElizaGeorgeAnnLabourerW H C Luke.
350Aug 18th, 1867Bantock, Walter DanielWalterEllenLabourerW H C Luke.
351Aug 18th, 1867Goodwin, WilliamWilliamMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
352Sep 15th, 1867Wright, Fanny SophiaGeorgeSarahBrickmakerW H C Luke.
353Dec 25th, 1867King, Joseph?GeorgeMaryAnnLabourerW H C Luke.
354Dec 25th, 1867Mays, AmeliaHenryMaryAnnMillerW H C LukeAbode: Stoke Ash & Stonham.
355Jan 10th, 1868Adams, JaneRobertSarahCarrierW H C Luke.
356Jan 31st, 1868Salmon, JamesHenrySophiaLabourerW H C Luketwin .
357Jan 31st, 1868Salmon, MaryHenrySophiaLabourerW H C Luketwin .
358Mar 8th, 1868Mulley, Mary JaneGeorgeSarah JaneLabourerW H C Luke.
359Mar 22nd, 1868Cuthbert, William[illegit.]MaryAnnSingle womanW H C LukeAbode: Stowmarket.
360Mar 22nd, 1868Mulley, Amelia EllenJohn JamesEllenLabourerW H C Luke.
361Mar 22nd, 1868Armstrong, Herbert WilliamWilliamElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
362April 13th, 1868Farrow, FrederickGeorgeMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
363April 13th, 1868Mulley, MarthaWilliamMaryAnnCarrierW H C Luke.
364May 22nd, 1868Baker, Emmeline EllenRobertElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
365July 3rd, 1868Sayer, MaryAnnRichardLucyBricklayerW H C LukeWas "mason" last time .
366Sep 4th, 1868Botting, Eleanor AmeliaAlbertFrances AnnGrocerW H C Luke.
367Sep 4th, 1868Mulley, Charles HenryCharlesMaryAnnBlacksmithW H C LukeAbode: S. Lambeth, London.
368Sep 4th, 1868Elliston, GeorgeWilliamSusanThatcherW H C Luketwin .
369Sep 4th, 1868Elliston, Arthur JamesThomasRebeccaThatcherW H C Luketwin .
370Sep 27th, 1868Dew, Jane Elizabeth[illegit.?]Elizabeth...A.J.Chapman.
371Nov 29th, 1868Salmon, Thomas GeorgeWilliamCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
372Dec 13th, 1868Plummer, Albert JonathanFrederick GeorgeElizabethGardenerW H C Luke.
373Dec 13th, 1868Durrant, Charles FrancisCharles FrancisMaryHarness ManufacturerW H C Luke.
374Jan 8th, 1869Botting, EmilyAlbert WilliamGrocerW H C Luke.
375Feb 7th, 1869Scace, GeorgeRobertPamelaLabourerW H C Luke.
376Feb 7th, 1869Clarke, WalterDavid SeagerElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
377Feb 28th, 1869Salmon, William Herbert[illegit.]Jemima...W H C Luke.
378Mar 27th, 1869Clarke, GeorgeCharlesMariaLabourerW H C Luke.
379April 18th, 1869Mulley, SarahEdwardRachelLabourerW H C Luke.
380April 25th, 1869Salmon, Arthur HenryHenrySophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
381April 25th, 1869Knights, Albert EdwardCharlesElizaRailway PorterW H C Luke.
382May 15th, 1869Clark, Francis JamesSamuelSusanFarmerW H C Luke.
383May 15th, 1869Ramsbottom, WilliamJohn WilliamSophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
384May 15th, 1869King, Frederick WilliamReubenHarrietLabourerW H C Luke.
385June 11th, 1869King, DennisBenjaminHonourLabourerW H C Luke.
386June 11th, 1869Curtis, EdwardJamesEmmaLabourerW H C Luke.
387June 11th, 1869King, ElizabethRobertHannahLabourerW H C Luke.
388July 11th, 1869Goddard, Arthur JamesJamesSarahLabourerW H C LukeGoddard family ... W2illiam .
389Aug 6th, 1869Sayer, WilliamRichardLucyBricklayerW H C Luke.
390Aug 20th, 1869Rice, Alice Eliza[illegit.]KatherineSingle womanW H C Luke.
391Oct 15th, 1869Manning, Alice PriscillaCharlesElizaLabourerGeorge.
392Nov 7th, 1869Pegg, JohnJamesCharlottteLabourerW H C Luke.
393Nov 28th, 1869Elliston, William HenryWilliamSusanThatcherW H C Luke.
394Dec 2nd, 1869Balaam, JosephJamesElizaFarmerW H C LukeAbode: Tostock.
395Dec 24th, 1869Downing, Jessie EmmaJamesEmma HannahCarpenter & Agent?W H C Luke.
396Dec 25th, 1869Plummer, JohnRobertCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
397April 24th, 1870Mothersole, Alice MaudeAlfred WilliamMaryAnnRailway PorterW H C Luke.
398April 24th, 1870Morris, Alderson MarshAlbert EdwardElizaMillerW H C LukeAbode: Norton.
399June 5th, 1870Armstrong, Henry JamesWilliamElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
400June 5th, 1870King, HarrietGeorgeMaryAnnLabourerW H C Luke.
401June 5th, 1870Wayman, Sarah PenelopeFederick OwenHarrietGuardW H C Luke.
402June 5th, 1870Mulley, EmmaJohn JamesEllenLabourerW H C Luke.
403June 5th, 1870Nunn, ElizaWilliamElizaLabourerW H C Luke.
404June 17th, 1870Buckle, JuliaJamesHarrietRailway servantW H C Luke.
405July 22nd, 1870Farrow, AgnesGeorgeMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
406July 22nd, 1870Farrow, WilliamWilliamElizaLabourerW H C Luke.
407July 31st, 1870Salmon, Harriet JWilliamCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
408Aug 1st, 1870Mulley, William[illegit.]Rachel...W H C Luke.
409Aug 26th, 1870Mulley, JamesJohnMaryBricklayerW H C Luke.
410Aug 26th, 1870Corner, Edith AgnesArthur CharlesEllenMerchantW H C Luke.
411Nov 4th, 1870Mulley, Arrthur GeorgeWilliamMaryAnnCarrierW H C Luke.
412Nov 4th, 1870Goymer, Margaret RebeccaChineryPatienceGardenerW H C LukeAbode: Norfolk.
413Jan 8th, 1871Mulley, AnnaGeorgeSarahLabourerW H C Luke.
414Jan 8th, 1871Bradley, Charles JamesJames ParlettHarrietMerchantW H C Luke.
415April 8th, 1871Salmon, HarryHenrySophiaLabourerW H C Luke.
416April 8th, 1871Baker, Henry JosephRobertElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
417April 8th, 1871Sparrow, Kate LouisaCharlesRosinaLabourerW H C Luke.
418April 18th, 1871Ballam, JaneJamesElizaFarmerW H C LukeAbode: Tostock.
419April 30th, 1871Downing, Henry JamesJamesEmma HannahSchool master & OrganistW H C Luke.
420April 30th, 1871Wretham, Frederick WalterJamesSarahLabourerW H C Luke.
421May 22nd, 1871King, AliceBenjaminHonourLabourerW H C Luke.
422May 29th, 1871Sansom, JohnJamesEmmaLabourerW H C LukeSansom alias Carter .
423May 29th, 1871Peck, Ernest EdwardJamesSusannahLabourerW H C Luke.
424June 2nd, 1871Clarke, JosephDavid SeagerElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
425Oct 25th, 1871Wright, Alice JuliaJohnJuliaBrick MerchantW H C Luke.
426Oct 27th, 1871Elliston, Thomas GeorgeWilliamSusanThatcherW H C Luke.
427Oct 27th, 1871King, RobertRobertAnnaLabourerW H C Luke.
428Nov 5th, 1871Mulley, EmmaEdwardRachelLabourerArthur ??.
429Feb 4th, 1872Baker, Henry JamesHenryElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
430Feb 4th, 1872Baylham, Robert JohnRobertSarah...W H C LukeAbode: Woolpit.
431Feb 4th, 1872Bradley, Albert JohnJames ParlettHarrietBlacksmithW H C LukeWas "merchant" before .
432Feb 4th, 1872Gould, Arthur GeorgeHenry BallamAnna AmeliaEngine driverW H C LukeAbode: Woolpit.
433Feb 18th, 1872Salmon, William CharlesWilliamCharlotteLabourerW H C Luke.
434Feb 18th, 1872King, Henry JamesGeorgeMaryAnnLabourerW H C Luke.
435Feb 18th, 1872Clarke, Emmeline[illegit.]Sophia...W H C Luke.
436June 7th, 1872Corner, Jessie WardArthur CharlesEllenMerchantW H C Luke.
437June 7th, 1872Farrow, William?GeorgeMaryLabourerW H C Luke.
438June 7th, 1872Mulley, Isaac?WilliamMaryAnnCarrierW H C Luke.
439July 17th, 1872Stiff, Florence NellyWilliamEmmaDraper's assistantW H C Luke.
440July 17th, 1872Farrow, Henry FrancisWilliamElizaLabourerW H C Luke.
441July 19th, 1872Armstrong, Eliza ElizabethWilliamElizabethLabourerW H C Luke.
442Sep 13th, 1872Golding, AdaArthurClementina HannahFarmerW H C Luke.
443Sep 13th, 1872Hood, CarolineJohnElizabethShoemakerW H C Luke.
444Sep 13th, 1872Wretham, Arthur James[illegit.]Rebecca...W H C Luke.
445Sep 13th, 1872Woods, Clara ElizabethWilliamMaryAnnBlacksmithW H C Luke.
446Sep 20th, 1872Hartwell, Isabella Frances JacksonWilliam RobertSophiaCoastguardW H C LukeAbode: Yorkshire.
447Nov 22nd, 1872Buckle, Thomas WilliamJamesHarrietLabourerW H C Luke.
448Dec 7th, 1872Mulley, NellyJohn JamesEllenLabourerW H C Luke.
449Dec 24th, 1872Woods, Harry JohnWilliamMaryAnnBlacksmithW H C Luke.
450Jan 18th, 1873Ballam, WilliamJamesElizaFarmerW H C LukeAbode: Tostock.
451Jan 19th, 1873Manning, Charles WilliamCharlesElizaLabourerW H C Luke.
452Jan 19th, 1873Pegg, Sarah AnneJamesCharlottteLabourerW H C Luke.
453Jan 19th, 1873Howlett, Henry WilliamStephen JamesMariaLabourerW H C Luke.
454May 24th, 1873Sayer, Matilda MaryJohnJemimaBricklayerW H C Luke.
455May 31st, 1873Downing, Olive BlancheJamesEmma HannahSchool master & OrganistW H C Luke.
456May 31st, 1873Elliston, Henry GeorgeHenry GeorgeSusannahWatchmakerW H C Luke.