Thatched Cottages in 1920

Most of the old buildings in the village would have been thatched at some time, but sadly (from a visual point of view) many were already tiled by the beginning of the 20th century. The evidence of thatch was still there in 1988 in the attic of my house, a thick layer of dreadful dirt which tended to filter down through the rest of the house – the house was tiled before the 20s. Thatch is expensive, and must be renewed every 30 years or so.

George Russell told Jean Folkard what he remembered of the thatched buildings in his childhood, around 1920, and the families that lived in them…

Bunkers Hill2 cottages - fell downHowe, Kingpic
School Roadnow Church Hill cottageScase, Holdenpic
School Roadnext to Old School, demolishedFuller, Scasepic
School Roadnow Willow House, tiledWarrenpic
Hawk End LaneLinden Cottage & Old Manor House, now tiledGould, Farrowpic
Hawk End LaneHawk End CottageEllistonpic
Hawk End Lanedemolished in 90sFarrow, Armstrong
Station Roadbetween PO and Grange, now demolished
Station RoadWalnut Tree Cottage, now tiledCrosspic
Ashfield RoadRose Cottagepic
Ashfield Road2 others demolished [NB Blackbourn House and Homefield]
to make way for Nunn's works
Ashfield RoadWillow Farm Georgepic
Ashfield RoadMulberry Farm (was Green Farm)pic
Ashfield RoadOak Farm, now tiled Borleypic
Ashfield RoadDagwood Farmpic
Grove Lanestill therepic